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Healed & Whole Adults

Instead of Chasing Symptoms, Finally Get Answers!

I offer you strategic assessments that identify the underlying issues causing chaos in your body

These assessments  identify malfunctions and healing opportunities within these areas:

  • Hormonal Imbalances 
  • Immune system dysfunction & autoimmune  disease
  • Digestion problems 
  • Detoxification issues 
  • Energy Production slow down and exhaustion 
  • Nervous System imbalances 
  • ADHD/Anxiety Disorders

Restored Wellness Solutions

We start to uncover your healing opportunities by using functional labs to address WHY you’re dealing with your current health and wellness challenges.

We use these lab results to address the HIDDEN stressors and dysfunctions that are causing the chaos in you mind and body. 

H.I.D.D.E.N. stressors in the following systems:

  • Hormones
  • Immune System
  • Digestion
  • Detoxification
  • Energy Production
  • Nervous System

could be contributing to your overall poor health and unwanted health challenges

If you’ve ever had lab test run or  blood work done and you’ve been told everything looks normal….but you still don’t feel well, I can help! 

With my specialized holistic health approach you will finally feel your best!

Working together for a minimum of 90 days , we create a  solid foundation and a path for success.

Holistic Wellness Coaching (No Labs)

We work together to address your total health and wellness complaints without the use of functional labs or genetic screening. We create a customized holistic health protocol designed specifically for your wellness needs using 

  • Diet 
  • Rest 
  • Exercise 
  • Stress Reduction